i:m:a for Creative Professionals
creative practice
The inaugural workshop at The Vessel was conducted by Siddharth Singh in July 2019. Image:medium:actor is a workshop on creativity and emotions developed by Siddharth over the years and has been conducted in different formats at various design institutuins across India. this particular one was a short short weekend format. It started with textual representation of an episode from the participants’ memory, followed by translating three of its critical nodes into a graphic form. In an exercise of carving in a block of thermocol, the participants then discovered the archaeological remnants of their home of memories.
Using the graphic & craved fragments, participants concluded the visual exercises by first creating individual collage of their personal narratives and then finally bringing the three individual collages together into one large collage.
The critical nodes of the narrative were also translated into theatrical images and subsequently developed into performed narratives.
The participants of the workshop were creative professionals – one visual artist and two architects -seeking to deepen the creative processes on their mediums by being more aligned with their inner selves.
the workshop & the facilitator
image:medium:actor are hands-on workshop series on creativity that employ multiple mediums including text, graphics, theater & collage to help participants take note of, sustain & enhance their autodidacticism & emotional resilience.
The workshops are primarily in-situ, impromptu engagements, necessitating the sharing of space & time with the facilitator and fellow participants.
Emotions & memories – embedded in our bodies and the spaces we inhabit – form the essential raw material of this workshop. The relationship between memory & self can be both conducive & subversive: one inspiring or adapting to the other, or both in perpetual conflict. It is necessary to become aware of the nature of the relationship in order to enhance or change it. In the workshop we learn to break down, analyse and synthesise meanings to reconstruct our narratives.
Siddharth is an architect, graphic & product designer and creative pedagogue. He has been conducting image:medium:actor since 2011 and has facilitated this experience across numerous institutions and several cities of India.